Model Confidence Set Python Implementation

March 12, 2019 | Michael Gong

Model Confidence Set Python Implementation

The Model Confidence Set (MCS) is introduced by Hansen, Lunde, and Nason (2011, Econometrica). A MCS is a set of models that is constructed such that it will contain the best model with a given level of confidence. The MCS is in this sense analogous to a confidence interval for a parameter. The MCS algorithm is implemented in R and Matlab, but the Python implementation is still not available. In this article follows the implementation of Kevin Sheppard, and translate the Matlab implementation to Python implementation.

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import rand
from numpy import ix_
import pandas as pd
def bootstrap_sample(data, B, w):
    Bootstrap the input data
    data: input numpy data array
    B: boostrap size
    w: block length of the boostrap
    t = len(data)
    p = 1 / w
    indices = np.zeros((t, B), dtype=int)
    indices[0, :] = np.ceil(t * rand(1, B))
    select = np.asfortranarray(rand(B, t).T < p)
    vals = np.ceil(rand(1, np.sum(np.sum(select))) * t).astype(int)
    indices_flat = indices.ravel(order="F")
    indices_flat[select.ravel(order="F")] = vals.ravel()
    indices = indices_flat.reshape([B, t]).T
    for i in range(1, t):
        indices[i, ~select[i, :]] = indices[i - 1, ~select[i, :]] + 1
    indices[indices > t] = indices[indices > t] - t
    indices -= 1
    return data[indices]

def compute_dij(losses, bsdata):
    '''Compute the loss difference'''
    t, M0 = losses.shape
    B = bsdata.shape[1]
    dijbar = np.zeros((M0, M0))
    for j in range(M0):
        dijbar[j, :] = np.mean(losses - losses[:, [j]], axis=0)

    dijbarstar = np.zeros((B, M0, M0))
    for b in range(B):
        meanworkdata = np.mean(losses[bsdata[:, b], :], axis=0)
        for j in range(M0):
            dijbarstar[b, j, :] = meanworkdata - meanworkdata[j]

    vardijbar = np.mean((dijbarstar - np.expand_dims(dijbar, 0)) ** 2, axis=0)
    vardijbar += np.eye(M0)

    return dijbar, dijbarstar, vardijbar

def calculate_PvalR(z, included, zdata0):
    '''Calculate the p-value of relative algorithm'''
    empdistTR = np.max(np.max(np.abs(z), 2), 1)
    zdata = zdata0[ix_(included - 1, included - 1)]
    TR = np.max(zdata)
    pval = np.mean(empdistTR > TR)
    return pval

def calculate_PvalSQ(z, included, zdata0):
    '''Calculate the p-value of sequential algorithm'''
    empdistTSQ = np.sum(z ** 2, axis=1).sum(axis=1) / 2
    zdata = zdata0[ix_(included - 1, included - 1)]
    TSQ = np.sum(zdata ** 2) / 2
    pval = np.mean(empdistTSQ > TSQ)
    return pval

def iterate(dijbar, dijbarstar, vardijbar, alpha, algorithm="R"):
    '''Iteratively excluding inferior model'''
    B, M0, _ = dijbarstar.shape
    z0 = (dijbarstar - np.expand_dims(dijbar, 0)) / np.sqrt(
        np.expand_dims(vardijbar, 0)
    zdata0 = dijbar / np.sqrt(vardijbar)

    excludedR = np.zeros([M0, 1], dtype=int)
    pvalsR = np.ones([M0, 1])

    for i in range(M0 - 1):
        included = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(1, M0 + 1), excludedR)
        m = len(included)
        z = z0[ix_(range(B), included - 1, included - 1)]

        if algorithm == "R":
            pvalsR[i] = calculate_PvalR(z, included, zdata0)
        elif algorithm == "SQ":
            pvalsR[i] = calculate_PvalSQ(z, included, zdata0)

        scale = m / (m - 1)
        dibar = np.mean(dijbar[ix_(included - 1, included - 1)], 0) * scale
        dibstar = np.mean(dijbarstar[ix_(range(B), included - 1, included - 1)], 1) * (
            m / (m - 1)
        vardi = np.mean((dibstar - dibar) ** 2, axis=0)
        t = dibar / np.sqrt(vardi)
        modeltoremove = np.argmax(t)
        excludedR[i] = included[modeltoremove]

    maxpval = pvalsR[0]
    for i in range(1, M0):
        if pvalsR[i] < maxpval:
            pvalsR[i] = maxpval
            maxpval = pvalsR[i]

    excludedR[-1] = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(1, M0 + 1), excludedR)
    pl = np.argmax(pvalsR > alpha)
    includedR = excludedR[pl:]
    excludedR = excludedR[:pl]
    return includedR - 1, excludedR - 1, pvalsR

def MCS(losses, alpha, B, w, algorithm):
    '''Main function of the MCS'''
    t, M0 = losses.shape
    bsdata = bootstrap_sample(np.arange(t), B, w)
    dijbar, dijbarstar, vardijbar = compute_dij(losses, bsdata)
    includedR, excludedR, pvalsR = iterate(
        dijbar, dijbarstar, vardijbar, alpha, algorithm=algorithm
    return includedR, excludedR, pvalsR

OOP Wrapper of the MCS

class ModelConfidenceSet(object):
    def __init__(self, data, alpha, B, w, algorithm="SQ", names=None):
        Implementation of Econometrica Paper:
        Hansen, Peter R., Asger Lunde, and James M. Nason. "The model confidence set." Econometrica 79.2 (2011): 453-497.

            data->pandas.DataFrame or numpy.ndarray: input data, columns are the losses of each model 
            alpha->float: confidence level
            B->int: bootstrap size for computation covariance
            w->int: block size for bootstrap sampling
            algorithm->str: SQ or R, SQ is the first t-statistics in Hansen (2011) p.465, and R is the second t-statistics
            names->list: the name of each model (corresponding to each columns). 

            run(self): compute the MCS procedure

            included: models that are in the model confidence sets at confidence level of alpha
            excluded: models that are NOT in the model confidence sets at confidence level of alpha
            pvalues: the bootstrap p-values of each models

        if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
   = data.values
            self.names = data.columns.values if names is None else names
        elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
   = data
            self.names = np.arange(data.shape[1]) if names is None else names

        if alpha < 0 or alpha > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"alpha must be larger than zero and less than 1, found {alpha}"
        if not isinstance(B, int):
                B = int(B)
            except Exception as identifier:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Bootstrap size B must be a integer, fail to convert", identifier
        if B < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Bootstrap size B must be larger than 1, found {B}")
        if not isinstance(w, int):
                w = int(w)
            except Exception as identifier:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Bootstrap block size w must be a integer, fail to convert",
        if w < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Bootstrap block size w must be larger than 1, found {w}")

        if algorithm not in ["R", "SQ"]:
            raise TypeError(f"Only R and SQ algorithm supported, found {algorithm}")

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.B = B
        self.w = w
        self.algorithm = algorithm

    def run(self):
        included, excluded, pvals = MCS(
  , self.alpha, self.B, self.w, self.algorithm

        self.included = self.names[included].ravel().tolist()
        self.excluded = self.names[excluded].ravel().tolist()
        self.pvalues = pd.Series(pvals.ravel(), index=self.excluded + self.included)
        return self

Usage example

We generate data from the DGP: $y_{t} = 0.1 + 0.8y_{t-1}-0.2y_{t-2} + \epsilon_{t} + 0.3\epsilon_{t-1}$

# Simulate data and predicts
def DataGeneratingProcess(a0, a1, a2, b1, N):
    y = np.zeros(N)
    y[0] = 5
    epsilon = np.random.normal(0,1,N)
    for t in range(1, N-1):
        y[t+1] = a0 + a1*y[t-1]+a2*y[t-2]+epsilon[t]+b1*epsilon[t-1]
    return y

N = 100
y  = DataGeneratingProcess(0.1,0.8,-0.2,0.3,N)
x1 = DataGeneratingProcess(0.1,0.75,-0.2,0.3,N)
x2 = DataGeneratingProcess(0.1,0.9,-0.2,0.3,N)
x3 = DataGeneratingProcess(0.1,0.0,-0.0,0.1,N)
x4 = DataGeneratingProcess(0.1,0.9,-0.0,0.0,N)
x5 = DataGeneratingProcess(0.1,0.4,-0.5,0.0,N)

# Wrap data and compute the Mean Absolute Error
data = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[x1,x2,x3,x4,x5], columns=['M1','M2','M3','M4','M5'])
for model in ['M1','M2','M3','M4','M5']:
    data[model] = np.abs(data[model] - y)

Construct the instance and run

mcs = ModelConfidenceSet(data, 0.1,3, 1000).run()

We can access the model confidence set


We also have the calculated p-values for each model

M2    0.000
M4    0.000
M3    0.000
M5    0.000
M1    1.000
dtype: float64